Monday, February 25, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013


As part of Mizuno's Mezamashii project, I received a pair of Evo Cursoris to test run. Awesome.

Sign up here:

Review of the shoe coming. Note: not my favorite.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Remember these words

What is the name of this blog again?

So why did I call the blog “Run That Booty” … well, in our house we like to make up songs and then make up dances to go along with the songs.  

At some point in my middle child’s singing career, she decided she needed a “booty butt” song.  It goes something like this “I am shakin’ my booty butt.   Ah ha.  Ah ha.  I am shakin’ my booty butt.“  Shake that booty and repeat.

It only seemed fitting that since one of the things I’m trying to get rid of is, ahem, a booty butt, running it off would be appropriate.  Hey, in a 5 year old’s world, that’s cool, right?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cold, crisp winter

I love winter. I love the cold, crisp air. I love the way it opens my lungs. I love the way it catches my breath. I love the promise of a new beginning as winter turns into spring.

I don't love how winter gives me the opportunity to spend more time on my treadmill, aka the dreadmill.

Don't get me wrong: treadmills are great for interval work. Treadmill time lets me catch up on my favorite show of all time (don't judge: it's Y&R). Treadmill time forces me to run at a certain pace, at a certain incline (unless I get lazy and cheat). It still affords me the opportunity to RUN and allows me to do it without 5 extra pounds of gear weighing me down.

But, let's get back to what I love about winter... Running outside in the winter lets me wear my fun cold gear apparel, my awesome Lululemon brisk run headband and gloves (and neck warmer as needed). Running outside lets me listen to my tunes, no matter the temperature. It gives me the ability to safely pound something - pound out the stress, worries, cares of the day - pound out the pounds - and generally be a happier, healthier me. Winter also lets me play outside in the snow with my kids.

Why do you run outside in the winter weather? Or, why do you love winter?